Beats Stage – Origin 2020

February 2020, Cape Town, South Africa

Origin is a full weekend of conscious partying, turning 15 with its this year’s edition. As one of Africa’s brightest shining lights for psychedelic music, art, and culture, Origin strives to promote Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect for all, as we strengthen our own global community based on conscious party ethics and respect for nature.

Returning to create the beats stage for the third time, the Red Telephone teams up again with Thomas Steiner, adding multiple buildings to the town. With new attractions like a water tank, a bakery, and a post office, the crew created even more magic for this place. Andrew Parker added again an amazing layer of visuals to Thomas’s lights, bringing this stage on a whole different level than ever before.

Crew: The Red Telephone
Paintings: Keekz Watermeyer
Visuals: Andrew Parker