The Protea – Bazique Festival
March 2018, Cape Town, South Africa
Conceptualized as a celebration of music, absurdism, and the arts, Bazique Festival’s careful attention to detail made for a truly uplifting weekend of romp and revelry.
Daniel Popper is the artist behind the Protea, a never-seen-before conception of a dance floor, with having the shape of the national flower of South Africa.
Made out of steel frames and fabric, this massive dance floor came to life at night with two circles of twelve par cans, 12 led strips added to the small white leaves on the top, one lighting element for each area of the artwork. Even more, 24 pin spots with loads of mirror balls in the center of the structure creating a massive sparkle from the inside.
Art Director: Daniel Popper
Artist: Julian Tompkins
Crew: Jason St Blaize, Josh Phillips, Kei St Blaize, Matthew Callan Abrahams, Blue Orion Parfitt